Mr. Gentry’s Western Cultures class

Unit 8- The World After World War II



Web Assignments:

Review assignment



Unit 8- The World Since WWII


I.                  Europe and North America

A. Europe: Cold War

-Berlin Wall-(1961) in response to East Berliners leaving to prosperous West Berlin

-Arms race and then 1963-nuclear test ban treaty (above ground testing)

-détente (relaxed tensions) in 1970’s

-1979 USSR -Afghanistan invasion increases tensions

-Gorbachev- called for economic reforms and an end to the cold war- the USSR collapsed in 1990 (end of Warsaw Pact and Soviet domination of Eastern Europe)

-Western democracies become welfare states

-1970’s- Oil crisis- recessions and manufacturing moving to developing countries (service industries growing)

-European countries move toward becoming the European Union (now with the Euro dollar accepted in all)

-Increased immigration to Europe

-Ireland –1998- peace signed-but still violence in British-owned Northern Ireland (Catholics Vs. Protestant majority)

-West Germany prospers- East Germany -stagnates –then reunification in 1990

-Spain and Portugal lose dictators and join NATO and EU in the 1970’s

B.  America after war-prosperity, Korean War, Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War

-Canada- Quebec separation rejected by vote and they join NAFTA (North American free Trade Agreement) with U.S. and Mexico

C. Soviets –Stalin is followed by Krushchev, Brezhnev, and a few others, before Gorbachev. Their socialist economy failed.

-   They supported communist uprisings in developing

    countries against the U.S.

-         Chernobyl accident in Ukraine shows weakness of system- inferior reactor and little safety and kept a secret at first (nuclear meltdown)

-         Economic reforms under Gorbachev bring worse shortages and countries allowed to leave USSR and then USSR falls apart

-         Russian Republic is new democracy with Communists still part of the government- they struggle with new economy and increased crime

-         The other countries in Eastern Europe also struggle with new economies and governments as ethnic groups fight in some. (Bosnia, Yugoslavia, etc.)

-         Some Eastern European countries now members of NATO 


The World Since WWII-Continued

East Asia and S.E. Asia


          -Government Changes: U.S. force to accept a constitutional

monarchy with elected parliament called a Diet

          -Economic success: becomes economic superpower with

efficient and high technology production methods

after U.S. helps rebuild

          -Interdependence with other countries: Island nation requires

          them to import raw materials and others rely on

their goods (they have a positive balance of trade

with many countries)

          -Life in Modern Japan: overcrowding in cities, women closer

 to equal, a strong work ethic in adults and



          -A new government: Mao Zedong’s communists establish a 1

party gov. after defeating Jiang Jieshi’s

nationalists (they retreat to Taiwan)

          -Collectivization: Mao’s plan to redistribute land to peasants

and then have them pool their land and labor to

become more efficient

          -Social Changes: got rid of the landlords and middle classes,

increased literacy, simplified Chinese characters,

and gave women more equality

          -Great Leap Forward: Mao’s plan to increase all production.

Established communes, ended in failure and


          -Cultural Revolution: the sometimes-violent attempt to rid

China of old ways of thinking and acting and

replace them with communist ideas

          -International cooperation:  broke ties with Soviets in 1960’s,

entered the U.N. in 1971, recognized by the U.S.

in 1979 (no longer Taiwan)

          -Reforms and repression: (1976) Deng Xiaoping replaces

Mao and allows some economic and political

openness, but cracks down on pro-democracy

demonstration in Tiananmen square in 1989


ˇ       Population: 1.2 billion- 1 child policy

ˇ       Economic and Political Issues: socialism weakening                 and capitalism is growing under Jiang Zemin (current leader)

ˇ       Human Rights: still very strict on political dissidents, religious movements and enforcing 1 child policy, despite international pressure from U.S. and others


The Asian Tigers:

-Taiwan: Jiang Jieshi set up Nationalist govt. after defeat by

 Communists and with U.S. help, the have prospered

 greatly (pressure from China to come back into the


          -Hong Kong: leased by Britain from China after Opium war.

 Became financial and business center, given back to

 China in 1997

-Singapore: British give independence after WWII and it

 continues to grow as a center for trade in the region

-North Korea: A communist dictatorship under Kim Il sung –

very closed and focused on military and not the people

who have starved recently

-South Korea: became a leading economic and industrial

 power in the region sine the1960’s with U.S. aid and

 military support


Southeast Asia:

-Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh (nationalist socialist) defeated the

French and the Americans  to unit his country as a

communist country it still is today




-Cambodia: Vietnam war spilled over into this country and

they would fall to Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot (a

ruthless dictator). Now a struggling democracy

-Philippines: U.S. gives them independence in 1946 and have

struggled under dictatorships and now democracies


-Indonesia: 13,000 islands and ethnic diversity cause

problems and they are still struggling to gain a solid

democracy as their economy and population expands

-Myanmar: given independence from Britain –political

instability and currently under a socialist dictator and

yet many continue to struggle for democracy

-Pacific Rim: the countries that surround the Pacific Ocean

that are increasingly involved in the global marketplace

(international interdependence) 


The World Since WWII


South Asia and the Middle East

India :

    *British give independence and partition-East and West

 Pakistan and India (1947)

          * Separation based on Religions: Muslim and Hindu

* Wars have followed between the two, over Pakistan- was

 supposed to be able t vote and decide which one to

 join, but the local Maharaja (king or prince) signed

 over to the Indian side.

* East Pakistan (Bangladesh) declares Independence and

 wins with Indian military help)

*After the 1949 and 1972 wars, a line of separating was

drawn and both armies are on teach side in Kashmir

          *There is a Muslim majority in Kashmir and now both sides

                   are ready to fight again after India accused the

Pakistanis of supporting Muslim separatists and


          *Both sides have nuclear weapons and say they will use them

Middle East:

Turkey:- Move toward secular democracy since the 1920’s and

 remains a U.S. ally.

Egypt- remains a leader in the Islamic world and led the Arab war

 against Israel but made peace with them in the 1970’s

Iran- Controlled by Britain, then independence. The U.S.

supported an unpopular dictator (the Shah) for 25 years and

even put him back in after the people overthrew him. (huge

oil reserves) –Then an 8 year war with Iraq-and no winner.


1. Gained independence from UN 1948 and then attacked by

 their Arab neighbors and won.

2. Same thing happened in 1967 and they gained more land

from Arab neighbors (Golan Heights, West Bank, Sinai

Peninsula, Gaza Strip.

3.  They maintained these lands through another war in 1973

4. Gave Sinai back to Egypt in the later 1970’s after

acknowledging Israel’s right to exist.

5. Intifadas (Uprisings) have occurred as Palestinians (Arab

 Muslims living in the occupied territories) have acted

 out against the Israeli army- in any way they can (Led

 by Yasser Arafat)

Iraq- (Led by Saddam Hussein)

          1. Attacked Iran and fought an 8 year war and ended it in late


          2. Then attacked Kuwait to get access to Gulf and to get oil

reserves (The U.S. stepped in to keep oil flowing and

to protect ally- Saudi Arabia)

          3. Lost war but stays in power and has limited UN access to

 weapons facilities (they fear he is making biological,

 chemical and nuclear weapons)


1. Why do many Middle Eastern Muslims dislike us?

2. Why is Afghanistan involved?

3. Where else is/has the U.S. been involved in the Middle East

4. How do all of the current events we are reading about, all center

around the Middle East and the U.S. activities there now and

in the past?








The World Since WWI- Europe and North Africa



Assignment: answer the questions so that we know that you understood what we discussed earlier-This is to be done alone and it is not group work-


1. Why was the Berlin wall built?



2. Explain detent:



3. What is meant by welfare states?



4. What is the European Union?



5. What was the source of the violence in Northern Ireland?



6. Why were the Korean and Vietnam wars fought?



7. What is the purpose of NAFTA?


8. List the advantages and disadvantages of the NAFTA agreement for






9. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, there is now unrest and violence in

    many of the of the former countries of the USSR. Why is this?


The World Since WWII review sheet                              Name _____________________________


Directions: identify each of the following terms as they relate to our discussion in this unit. You need to only look to your notes and memories to get the answers.

  1. Berlin Wall-


2. Cold War-


3. The U.S.S.R. in Afghanistan-


4. Welfare states-


5. Warsaw Pact-


6. NATO-


7. Problems in Northern Ireland-


8. European Union-




10. War in Vietnam-


11. Korean War-


12. Chernobyl-


13. Problems in the former USSR-


14. Japanese Occupation and govt. changes-


15. Modern Japanese life (attributes)-


16. Mao Zedong-


17. The Great leap Forward-


18. Collectivization-


19. Cultural Revolution-


20. Deng Xiaoping and new policies-


21. Tiananmen Square-


22. Chinese restrictions on human rights-


23. Taiwan-


24. Hong Kong-


25. Philippines-


26. Ho Chi Minh-


27. Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge-


28. Pol Pot-


29. Pacific Rim Countries-


30. Bangladesh-


31. East and West Pakistan-


32. India-partition-


33. Kashmir-


32. Iran-


33. Iraq-


34. Saddam Hussein-


35. Israel-


36. Territories captured in 1967 war between Israel and neighbors-



37. Intifadahs-


38. Kuwait-


39. U.S. involvement in Afghanistan-


40. Why many Muslims from the Middle East resent Americans:


41. On a map- be able to locate the following countries:

      -India, Pakistan, Israel, China, North and South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, an Hong Kong, given a blank map and the names.





Semester 2 Final Exam Review Sheet:    Name ____________________________


Directions – assemble all notes from Imperialism, Nationalism, WWI, WWII, and the world since WWII  for this assignment and use to study for the exam.


  1. Fascism-


  1. Communism-


  1. Socialism-


  1. Capitalism-


  1. Blitzkrieg -


  1. Hitler-


  1. Mussolini-


  1. Stalin-


  1. FDR-


  1. Churchill-


  1. Japanese war crimes (how many killed? _________ where?  And What?



  1. Japanese Internment –


  1. the Holocaust-


  1. D-Day-


  1. Island hopping-


  1. Miracle at Dunkirk-


  1. Harry Truman (and the A-bomb)-


  1. The a-bombing of Japan (where?) –


  1. League of Nations-


  1. United Nations-


  1. Douglas MacArthur-


  1. Berlin wall-


  1. Satellite countries-


  1. Puppet governments -


  1. Iron curtain-


  1. Cold War-


  1. Sun Xiaxian-


  1. Jiang Jieshi-


  1. Mao Zedong-


  1. Isolationism-


  1. Containment-


  1. Appeasement -


  1. Nationalism (Italy and Germany) -


  1. Papal States-


  1. Treaty of Versailles-


  1. How WWI led to WWII-


  1. Congress of Vienna-


  1. The Main Causes of war and what they mean


*  M ______________-

*  A_______________-

*  I ________________-

*  N _______________-


  1. Archduke Ferdinand-


  1. Areas affected by Imperialism-


  1. Imperialism-


  1. The country that Germany attacked  to get to France in both World Wars-


  1. Trenches-


  1. The treaty of Brest-Litovsk- (who involved and why?)-


  1. Czar Nicholas-


  1. Kaiser William II-


  1. Who lost the most men in battle in WWI?


  1. George Clemenceau-


  1. Vittorio Orlando


  1. David Loyd George


  1. Woodrow Wilson