Unit 5- Nationalism, Imperialism, and WWI
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1. Small states were combined under Napoleon, then distributed to the Austrians and the Spanish after the Congress of Vienna.
2. 1830’s and 40’s – The movement for unity is called the Risorgimento
3. Unification came when a Sardinian Leader –Victor Emmanuel and His prime minister, Count Cavour, played the French against the Austrians for a time while the people in other provinces in the north voted and demanded to be joined with Sardinia
4. In the South Giuseppe Garibaldi attacked with his “Red Shirts” and took the south and almost took the Papal States before being stopped peacefully by Cavour.
5. Eventually in 1861 a parliament is elected and Victor Emmanuel becomes the King.
6. In 1866 Rome and the other Papal states voted to join them and Italy was unified
1. Congress of Vienna created the Confederation of German States. Unification was tried in 1848 but failed.
2. Austria and other nations feared German unification
Prussia was the strongest of the small state with
industry, natural resources, a strong military, King William I, and his
prime minister Otto Van Bismarck
4. Bismarck used “Realpolitik” (do whatever needs to be done) to build the army to unify Germany by Force, and keep others out of the way while he first allied with Austria and then defeated them in the Seven Weeks War
5. To get the southern German states as allies, he went to war and quickly defeated France in the Franco-Prussian War (which he started by changing a telegram so it would seem that both the French and Prussians were being insulted, and the put it in the paper)
6. In 1871- William I proclaimed himself Kaiser (emperor) of Germany at the Palace of Versailles after getting Alsace-Lorraine in the treaty
7. They called the new empire the Second Reich (empire) and attempted to make it look democratic- (it was not), but it ran very smoothly for while
8. William II took over 1888. He dismissed Bismarck, doubled the army, built a strong navy, took colonies around the world, and expanded its industries
9. During this time, German nationalism and militarism increased greatly as did their standing in the world.
10. Read about the Krupps Works on page 541
Assignment: Explore the
Causes of World War I
Name __________________ Period___ Days___
Directions: Click on the links provided to find the answers to the following questions about World War one’s beginnings
1. Identify the Allies that Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, and Russia Had through all treaties from 1879 to 1914
2. What important person was assassinated on the 28th of June 1914?
3. Why was this person important?
4. Who killed him and how many were supposed to have killed him?
5. Why did they kill him?
6. What disease did all of the people who were to kill him have?
7. What methods were used to try and kill him, and which one was successful?
8. Where did the assassination take place: (country, city, and who was in control of the area?)
9. The Austrian-Hungarian Government blamed the government of Serbia. Why did they blame them?
10. Read this and explain how this is similar to the U.S.’s demands for Osama Bin Laden and his supporters after the September 11 attacks. (you may list the various ways the situations are similar)